The operator performance metric serves as a technical scoring system for operators in the ssv network.
The performance score is derived from the attendance of operators duties in the consensus layer of the network (signing decided messages with the rest of the the validator's operators cluster) and calculated by the percentage of attended duties within a specific time-frame.
e.g. assuming there are ~240 duties per day and Alice the operator has missed 12 of them in the last 24 hours, Alice's performance scoring in the 1D time-frame would be 95% ((240-12)/240).

Macro and micro scoring

Performance scoring can be segmented by macro (operator) and micro (validator) levels - you can see the operator’s performance score per each validator or across all of his validators.
e.g. Alice the operator missed 24 duties in the last 24 hours for validator #1, while missing only 12 duties in the same time-frame for validator #2, will show the following 24 hours performance scoring:
  • Performance per validator #1 (micro) - 90% ((240-24)/240)
  • Performance per validator #2 (micro) - 95% ((240-12)/240)
  • Performance of Alice (macro) - 92.5% (((240 * (# of validators) - 36)) / (240 * (# of validators)

Network Explorer

Operator's scores and performance could be viewed in corresponding operator pages and also per each validator via our explorer:
SSV Network Explorer
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